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Harrappan civilization is one of the world's great civilisations, which dates back to 3 millennium BC. It is one among the five biggest Harrappan cities in the INDO-pAK subcontinent. This well planned ancient city is situated at khadir bet, was an oasis. It is developed in 50 hectares area. The excavation at dholavira brought to light a remarkable city of exquisite planning, monumental structures, aesthetic architecture and amazing water management system. A 10 character inscription in the citadel is one of the most significant discoveries and possibly the world's first sign.
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This sacred shrine, famous as shamlaji is situated in the natural beauty of Aravalli mountain range in gujarat.         shamlaji is a very ancient place. The temple is a gigantic sky reaching edifice. its natural pastoral beauty is highly fascinating. The sculpture of the temple is a class by itself. A five feet high idol of black coloured  Gadadhar shamlaji is extremely beautiful.     All around on the body of the temple there are four layers of minute girdles of artistic beauty. first layer is of Lion's mouth, in the second layer, there are series of elephants. in the house called Nar house,  glimpse of incidents from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata have been enlivened on the plates of stones in the most exquisite sculptural beauty. in the house of the Gods, you will find the idols of Brahma,Vishnu, Mahesh, Tamara, Seven matrukas, Ganesh, the Wind God(vayudev), the sea God(car in dev), Agnidev, Indrani, Brahmani, Vaishnavi etc. on the western side of the temple wall, there is